• Botem unveils counter sensor electricity-cutting system at BEXCO

  • Botem.jpgEnergy is wasted everywhere today, most of all, at home. We tend to switch on lights and fans at home, in room s that we don’t really occupy. Not everyone’s eco-conscious enough to go around switching off unneeded lights and fans when at home. Well if you’re too lazy to flick a switch to save some power, here’s a counter sensor electricity-cutting system by Botem that showed up at the International Environment Energy Industry Exhibition at BEXCO. The firm specializes in devices and systems like these. The new system detects energy reduction and low carbon-green growth and automatically turns lights on and off on a person’s entrance and departure from a room.

    With systems like these installed in urban homes today, imagine all the power we could save around the world, by simply having lights and fans switched off when unneeded!

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: on September 8, 2010