• Phyto-purification bathroom concept to save water and bills

  • phyto-purification-bathroom1.jpg
    Have you ever had a bath during the monsoons in the forested back yard of your residence? Just imagine taking shower in the middle of nature’s best and praying there is no lightning or thunder. Well, if that’s your worry, then this concept will be a perfect solution for your worries – if it is ever released. It is called the phyto-purification bathroom. This bathroom will look as though you are growing plants in the bathroom with tall grass-like feature to cover you from shame while you shower. The taps and the rest look as though its ceramic and in white.

    It works on the phyto-purification natural filtering principle where your bath becomes a mini eco-system that can recycle and regenerate waste water. What it does is purify the used water from the wash basin and the shower to re-use it though an organic system. This not only saves water but also saves your electricity bill each month. Such a wonderful concept… why can more people not come up with such great ideas?

    Posted in Topics:Awareness and Hype, Tags: , on August 10, 2009