• Taiwan builds the first stadium to use only solar power for all its electricity

  • taiwan's_first_solar_power_stadium.jpg
    The power of Sun is supreme and our planet boasts of a life due to this same energy. It is this energy that is helping us to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and live a grid free lifestyle. Right from gadget chargers to vehicles to illuminating your dens, the solar power is creeping in every aspect to show its true green color. The latest to be bitten by this solar bug is the dragon-shaped World Games Stadium in Taiwan. Located in Kaohsiung, it is touted to be the first largest stadium in the world to provide power using solar energy technology. Designed by Japanese architect Toyo Ito, it has a 14,155m2 solar roof that can churn out 1.14 million kWh (gigawatt hours) of electricity per year. This is enough to power the building’s 3,300 lights and two giant television screens. The 8,844 solar panels can power up 80% of the surrounding neighborhood when the stadium is unused. The Taiwanese government intends to sell the excess capacity generated during the hot summers. Large enough to hold 55,000 spectators, it has been built for US$150m.

    During the World Games event, it will be used mostly for athletics and rugby events, including hosting the main events for the 2009 World Games. Eventually, the Taiwanese national football team will use it for playing matches.

    Posted in Topics:Architecture, Tags: , on May 14, 2009