• Empire State Building seeks a green makeover for $100 million

  • empire_state_building.jpg
    New York City will soon see its tallest building don a green crown for being the most energy efficient too. Known as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World, the Empire State Building is all set for a $500 million renovation, out of which a $100 million will be used to make it green. All this money will actually help to save about $4.4 million a year on energy. This green renovation will reduce energy consumption in the 102-story building by a significant 38 percent. The plan includes new air-conditioning and heating systems that adjust to demand and also generate cool water. The space between radiators and the outside of the building will also be insulated to trap heat and cold air. Also energy-efficient lighting will be installed to light hallways and common areas only when they are occupied. It intend to go tech-savvy by introducing an Internet-based system for tenants to monitor their energy use and show them how to conserve.

    Posted in Topics:Architecture, Tags: , on April 7, 2009