• Water pump heats water without using gas or electricity

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    Water heaters perform a very important task each day in our lives. But have we ever thought about how much electricity gets consumed while heating or cooling the water. If not electricity, some time even gas might be used for heating purposes. Very precious are fuels in such crucial times and we should take every step to find alternative means to perform such tasks. This new water heater by Gorenje Tiki is a heat pump mounted on your water storage tank that draws heat from the surroundings to heat the water. This pump is also layered with a thermal system from the inside to disinfect the water by preventing bacterial growth. The pump can heat water up to 55°C. At the same time, the pump can be used for cooling smaller rooms. Compared to oil heating or gas heating, the investment in heat pump pays off in few short years.

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on November 25, 2009