• SunFlower home-based heliostat fills your living space with eco-friendly light

  • original.jpgSolar panels aren’t the only way to light your home using eco-friendly renewable energy. Heliostats function pretty well too and have been around since quite a while now. These however have generally been used for industrial purposes, and aren’t usually affordable for home use. Bringing Heliostats back home, the SunFlower system is both inexpensive and efficient too. Priced at $400, this one beams a good 50,000 lumens of sunlight into your living space. All you need to do is have this one propped up on a pole and position it just where you need the light. The SunFlower then automatically tracks the sun and keeps the specified area illuminated, making this heliostat a great way to light up during the day, in an eco-friendly manner.

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: on March 1, 2012