• Heat from human bodies and trains at subway stations to power homes in Paris

  • Paris_metro.jpg
    Well, if you’ve got a hot body and live in Paris, you might just end up powering your home, literally. Subways in the City of Paris can get really hot, thanks to all that body heat generated below. Now it really isn’t a sauna, but the amount of heat created below is appreciable. The city plans to use all this heat generated by humans and the trains to warm your home! A subway station ideally remains between 14-20 degrees Celsius all year round. The system being developed could help transfer this heat to heat exchangers and through heating pipes that can heat around 17 homes in the area.

    The project though is a bit too expensive and for now won’t be used too widely across the city. A few selected spots where the passageway is ideal to generate heat will be used. An innovative thought though, to reduce carbon emissions.

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on September 9, 2010